Hi, I’m Charlotte.


Have you been trying to write your story—but just don’t? You might have an idea of what to write, but don’t know how to focus it into a story people would want to read. You might even have no idea what to write, just that putting words to the page lights you up. You may have started and stopped more than once, have kept this dream a secret because you’re afraid you would fail, or have convinced yourself that you don’t have a story anyone would want to read.

I’m Charlotte, editor and writer devoted to stories and skilled in guiding writers through the process of discovering, writing, and revising. I have a bachelor’s degree in English and editing and have worked in every area of publishing from magazine production to memoir editing to academic curriculum.

In all my time within the writing and publishing industry (well over a decade) I’ve found my home with memoir and creative nonfiction writers. I know the power of your story and believe wholeheartedly that the world needs it. I am also familiar with that place of doubt and false starts—and I know exactly what you need to break out of that cycle and embrace the writer you are with the story you have.

Finally be able to answer the question, Should I write a memoir? with this free mini ebook

Dive into my free writing workshop Identity: Reset and Realign Your Writing Life

“Charlotte has been an excellent freelance copyeditor and proofreader for several years. Her minute attention to detail and thoroughness make me confident to send her any project on any topic. Every time I send a project to Charlotte, I know I will receive it back on time and in much better shape than the version I gave her. I would (and have) recommend her work to anyone.”

— Allison Mitton, Production Editor, Harvard Business Publishing

“Charlotte’s suggestions helped me look at my manuscript in a brand new way, even though I feel like I’ve been looking at it for twenty years. As somebody who has used Charlotte’s editing services, I can testify that it is well worth it. She made my manuscript so much better. If you’re thinking about it, this is your sign to take the plunge.”

—Andrea, social worker and memoirist

“I came into this work questioning whether I even had a story worth telling and, more significantly, if I had the ability to write that story so that it could be shared. I feel more focused and confident that my story matters and better equipped to be successful in sharing it.”

—Justine, social worker and memoirist

Can I tell you a secret? You can do this. If you don’t believe me, trust that I have worked with writers exactly where you are and have seen them transform, not just in their writing but in how they embody themselves as writers. You are just at the beginning, and I am so excited for you.

Because the writing process is so unique and personal to each writer, I have different options for writers who want to work with me. You can look at those here. Without knowing you or where you are in the writing process, I recommend anything in The Memoir Method Collection.

This course collection guides you through the beginning stages of crafting your memoir (that can be used both as a starting point and a revision framework).

Feeling overwhelmed by the whole process and just need to talk to a real person?

Book a free editor call, and together we’ll figure out exactly what it is that you and your writing need.