58: What to Do with Your Shitty First Draft

This episode is for the writer who has what novelist Ann Lamott has coined the “shitty first draft.” You’ve written thousands and thousands of words, and truth be told, it’s not that great. But what do you actually do with a shitty first draft? That’s what I want to talk about today.

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This Memoir masterclass collection is a series of four actionable, high-impact mini masterclasses designed to shine a light on what you don't know you don't know as a memoir writer. These mini masterclasses aren't about overwhelming you with information. They're about giving you clarity. When you know what your memoir is about, who it's for, and how to shape it into a compelling narrative, the writing process transforms. You'll stop spinning your wheels and start making real progress toward the memoir you've always dreamed of writing.


59: This Writer Figured Which Stories Matter to Her Reader


57: How One Author Went from Crickets to Published Memoir