The Memoir Method Podcast is a place for readers and writers to connect over the power of story. Underpinned by the Bookish Edits core belief—You have a story that matters—The Memoir Method Podcast will prove to listeners that anyone who wants to write a memoir can.

Most episodes are twenty minutes or less, designed to deliver perspective, encouragement, and tangible tools that will ensure progress and momentum in your own memoir writing.

If you’ve listened to the show and like what you hear, I’d love it if you could leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Ratings and reviews really do help the podcast find its ideal audience. Thank you for coming along for the ride!

Explore more podcast episodes below!

Charlotte Wilson Charlotte Wilson

09: NaNoWriMo for Memoir Writers

National Novel Writing Month presents a creative and energetic container for fiction writers, and I want to extend that experience to memoir and creative nonfiction writers. In today's episode I quickly run through some of the pillars of NaNoWriMo and then get to tell you about how to extend that NaNoWriMo experience into memoir writing.

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Charlotte Wilson Charlotte Wilson

08: Writing and the Compound Effect

Writing is just like any other endeavor: the more you do it, the better you become. You don’t need to invest eight hours every day to write a memoir. Rather, you can trust that taking small, daily action will yield transformative results.

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Charlotte Wilson Charlotte Wilson

07: 9 Steps to Finishing Your Memoir

You want to write and you want to finish your manuscript. Today’s episode is all about how to move you to that finish line and feel confident in your writing. I also have a month-long writing accelerator open for enrollment that will take you even deeper into the strategies and mindsets we discuss on the podcast today.

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Charlotte Wilson Charlotte Wilson

06: Why You (and Your Readers) Need Your Book to Have a Thesis

As you'll hear, Ginny and I had a different episode planned today! Thwarted by technology, I'm coming to you solo today to talk about what a thesis in memoir is, why you need one, and how a thesis will guide the reader's experience with your book.

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Charlotte Wilson Charlotte Wilson

05: You’re Not Too Young to Write a Memoir

I get spicy in today’s episode and go to bat for our young writers. We start off talking about Taylor Swift and go into the harm in gatekeeping memoir, rounding off with advice for the young memoirist. I’d love to know your take on young memoirists!

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Charlotte Wilson Charlotte Wilson

03: What “Your Story Matters” Really Means

We are taking a pivot this week! Episode 03 was supposed to be a conversation with Ginny and me all about our first memoir read, From the Ashes, but Covid had other plans. So instead I share what I really mean when I say that “your story matters” (and you’ll hear me say this all the time).

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Charlotte Wilson Charlotte Wilson

00 Prologue

Bookish Edits is creating a podcast! Take a listen to the trailer and subscribe in your preferred podcast player so you don’t miss a single episode. The first three episodes of The Memoir Method Podcast drop on Tuesday, September 19. Can’t wait!

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