11: 4 Lessons I’ve Learned from My Memoir Method Writers (Fall 2023)

The Memoir Method Live fall cohort is wrapping up this week, and today I’m taking the time to reflect on what the past ten weeks have meant to me and what I’ve learned from the writers this season.

Hop on the Memoir Method waitlist and be the first to know when doors open in winter of 2024: bookishedits.com/waitlist

Download my free mini ebook, Should You Write a Memoir?: bookishedits.com/free

The Bookish Edits Black Friday deal is coming! The Memoir Writer’s Toolkit is available on Tuesday, November 21, for just $44. Normally this bundle will be $77, but to celebrate both the digital bundle and the release of a brand-new ebook, I wanted to kick off with an unbeatable deal. Click here to be the first to know when the bundle is available to purchase.


12: A Writing Pep Talk


10: Should You Write a Memoir?