12: A Writing Pep Talk

I'm sharing a short pep talk that I initially wrote for a live group I ran last November (the precursor to the Memoir Method Live actually!) and is now a part of my mini audio course, A Story Worth Writing. We all need a little pep talk sometimes, and I hope this is one you can continue to come back to.

A Story Worth Writing is one of the three digital products included in my new bundle, the Memoir Writer's Toolkit. The Memoir Writer's Toolkit harnesses education, empowerment, and hands-on application to give memoir writers the mental boost they need whenever they need it. For Black Friday 2023, the Toolkit is on sale for just $49 with the code BFTOOLKIT: Buy the Toolkit here.

What the Toolkit includes: the Memoir 101 masterclass, A Story Worth Writing audio course, and a brand-new ebook, The Key to Memoir.

If the Toolkit isn't a good fit for you right now, or if you aren't sure whether it is, head to BookishEdits.com/free to download my free mini ebook, Should You Write a Memoir? This will give you a good idea of how I approach memoir and whether the Toolkit will be a helpful resource for you.

If you want to be sure not to miss an episode, you’ll want to subscribe through Apple podcasts or through your preferred podcast player.


13: Vignettes and the Velvet Hammer, a From the Ashes deep dive


11: 4 Lessons I’ve Learned from My Memoir Method Writers (Fall 2023)